Senior Care - How to Provide Elderly Independence

2 Tips To Prevent Head Lice

by Stephen Silva

One of the worst things that you can run into as a parent is to discover that your child has head lice, mostly because head lice can easily spread throughout your home and be quite difficult to get rid of. In addition, head lice can actually be potentially dangerous if your child has an allergy to them. Listed below are two things that you can do to prevent head lice from affecting your child or home.

Teach Your Children Not To Share Certain Items

While it may seem odd to teach your children not to share, teaching your children not to share certain items is a great way to prevent the spread of head lice. For example, teach your child not to share any items that come into close contact with their head, such as hair bows, combs, helmets, and items of clothing. This is very important as sharing those items can allow head lice to jump from an infected child to your child, at which point the lice can make it into your home.

In addition, it is important to teach your child to avoid placing their items into a shared space whenever possible. For example, you do not want your child to place their coat, hat, backpack, or other items of clothing into a friend's locker or into a communal coat room as that can provide a perfect opportunity for the lice to spread. 

Utilize Lice Prevention Products

Another option that can help you prevent head lice is to utilize head lice prevention products. These products can come in many different forms, such as sprays or shampoos. A head lice prevention shampoo will often incorporate tea tree oil or other natural additives that will drive lice away, which is a great option if you have been notified of a lice outbreak at your child's school or if you want to take precautions against a potential future outbreak.

In addition, you should consider utilizing the lice prevention spray as it can keep lice from settling into your home if your child carries them home from school. Spraying this product on your child's coat or backpack when he or she goes to school can also help minimize the chances that lice will spread to those items and onto your home and child.

Discovering that your child's school is dealing with a lice outbreak does not have to be a terrifying experience. Teaching your child what items to avoid sharing with other children and utilizing lice prevention products can make it much less likely that your child will get lice. 
