Senior Care - How to Provide Elderly Independence

5 Common Myths About Laser Eye Surgery

by Stephen Silva

If you are tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses, you may be thinking about getting laser eye surgery. During this procedure, an eye surgeon will use lasers to reshape your cornea. Although the surgery is successful for many people, there are still a lot of misconceptions about it.

Here are some common myths about laser eye surgery.

Myth: The Procedure Hurts

One of the most common reasons why people shy away from laser eye surgery is that they think it is painful. However, you will be happy to know that this is not true. Most patients who undergo laser eye surgery report minimal discomfort.

Before the procedure, your surgeon will administer numbing eye drops to ensure your comfort.

Myth: After Your Procedure, You Will Never Have to Wear Glasses or Contacts

Although it would be nice to never have to wear glasses or contacts again, it is not realistic. Your vision will still change over the years. You may still have to wear glasses when you drive at night or read a book.

Schedule yearly eye exams to check the state of your vision.

Myth: Laser Eye Surgery Is Too Risky

Although all surgical procedures carry some risk, the risks associated with laser eye surgery are very low. As long as you choose a reputable surgeon and follow your aftercare instructions, you will have a low risk of complications.

Myth: Everyone Can Get Laser Eye Surgery

Unfortunately, not everyone is a good candidate for laser eye surgery. That is why it is critical to have a consultation with an eye surgeon beforehand. They will examine your eyes and determine if you should have the procedure or not. For instance, if you have very thin corneas, you might not be a suitable candidate for laser eye surgery.

Myth: The Procedure Is Only for Young People

Unfortunately, some people are reluctant to get laser eye surgery because they think they are too old. However, everyone who is 18 or older can be a candidate for this procedure. As long as your eyes are fairly healthy, you are likely a good candidate for laser eye surgery.

As you can see, there are a lot of misconceptions about laser eye surgery. Do not believe any of them. If you are thinking about having this procedure, you should schedule a consultation with a reputable eye surgeon promptly. They can address all your questions and concerns.
