Senior Care - How to Provide Elderly Independence

  • 3 Exercises That Can Help Seniors Stay Safe

    17 April 2015

    If you have a senior citizen in your life that you care about, you may be familiar with the concept of aging in place. More and more, seniors are choosing to remain in their homes as long as possible, instead of moving into nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Home health care agencies and assistive technologies can help seniors remain at home, but you may still have concerns about your loved one's safety because of the limited mobility and balance that comes with age.

  • 4 Reasons To Consider Home Care

    2 April 2015

    If you have a family member or close friend who is struggling to live everyday life without assistance, it may be time to consider investing in care services (such as those offered by Neighbors Home Care Services). This can allow you to ensure that your loved one's needs are met so that everyone has less stress. While there are many care facilities and options to choose from, home care can be a great option for all involved.

  • What To Expect After Your Cataract Surgery

    24 March 2015

    If you have scheduled your cataract surgery, you might find yourself feeling a little unsure about the entire situation, especially if you are not completely aware of just what it is that you should expect. Take a moment to review the following things things that you can expect from the surgery. A Little Grogginess You will most likely experience a little bit of grogginess immediately after the surgery. This is something that you will deal with while you are recovering in the waiting or recovery room.

  • Why Students Face Heightened Risks Of These Three Eye Injuries

    6 March 2015

    If you are a student, you should be concerned about your eyes because there are risks to your eye health that other demographics may not have. For example, you face a heightened risk of: Dry Eyes Many students spend a lot of time reading, which is good because they are working towards their chosen professions. However, you risk developing a dry eye syndrome if you are constantly reading or working on a computer.

  • Don't Let Your Pillowcase Be The Reason For Your Acne Breakout

    25 February 2015

    At the end of a long and exhausting day, there are few things more relaxing than crawling into your bed and planting your head on your pillowcase. However, this restful slumber could be responsible for your breakouts. If you're following a balanced diet and cleaning your face regularly, and you're still experiencing breakouts, your pillowcase may be the culprit. Oil and Dirt Haven Although your pillowcase may look clean on the surface, pillowcases are often a haven for oil and dirt collection.

  • How A Compounding Pharmacy Is Your OTC And Prescription Watchdog

    13 February 2015

    Taking any kind of medication is often fraught with difficulty. In many cases, medications need to be carefully monitored for side effects and effectiveness, and most patients (barring serious side effects) are not always able to recognize that their medications are not working to their advantage very well. However, a compounding pharmacist can often help patients determine whether they are responding well to their medications in a number of different ways.

  • Three Areas Of Cardiac Health Affected By Chiropractic Care

    9 February 2015

    While you might be familiar with the fact that a chiropractor can ease your back and neck pain, would you be surprised to find that these medical professionals can contribute to the health of your heart as well? Patients are often uneducated when it comes to understanding the connection between chiropractic care and heart health. Taking the time to learn how an adjustment can influence the following three areas of cardiac health will allow you to more fully take advantage of the health benefits your chiropractor can offer in the future.

  • 4 Questions Answered About What Happens At Fertility Clinics

    5 February 2015

    If you've been trying to get pregnant for a year or longer, and you still haven't conceived, you're not alone. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that infertility is a common problem, affecting 11 percent of women ages 15 through 44. While there isn't just one possible cause for problems getting pregnant, you can seek help at an infertility clinic. These medical centers provide hope and may just make your baby dreams a reality.

  • Will Your Parent Benefit From A Behind-The-Ear Hearing Aid?

    30 January 2015

    If you have recently noticed that your mom or dad has recently begun having trouble hearing conversations that would have not been a problem a few years ago, it is important to talk to them about your concern. Unfortunately, many senior citizens experience damage to the small hair cells in their ears as a result of aging, illness or injury. Although the problem is common, there are ways to mitigate the damage and in many instances, a basic hearing aid is sufficient to return their normal hearing ability.

  • Mammography And You: New Technologies You Should Know About

    28 January 2015

    When the time comes for your annual mammogram, you may find yourself filled with dread and anxiety. After all, mammograms are said to be uncomfortable and/or unpleasant. However, this does not have to be the case. In fact, newer technologies in the field of mammography can help to ease your worries and your potential discomfort about your next mammogram appointment. To ensure you are abreast of all of the new advances in this women's health field, get to know some of these new technologies and make sure that you can partake in them at your next appointment.