Senior Care - How to Provide Elderly Independence

  • Keys To Getting A Career In Massage Therapy Treatment

    29 July 2022

    If you like the idea of using your hands to heal people, then entering the field of massage therapy treatment might sound appealing. You can set this career up in a successful way if you just remember this advice when first starting out. Shadow an Experienced Massage Therapist Before you get really involved in training and education for a massage therapy treatment career, you might want to shadow an experienced massage therapist in your area.

  • Modern Tools To Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

    27 June 2022

    For those that are wanting to get in better shape or lose weight, there are many modern tools that will be able to make this process easier to manage so that they can be more likely to reach their goals. Use Online Workout Builders To Create A Comprehensive Workout Plan It is often the case that a person that is wanting to improve their conditioning may be unsure as to how they should proceed with this process.

  • Ankle Problems That Can Mimic A Sprain

    25 May 2022

    When you experience ankle pain, do you automatically assume you sprained your ankle somehow? You're not alone. Mild ankle sprains are common, and sometimes, people do mildly sprain their ankle and forget about it until it causes them some pain hours later. However, there could also be something else going on. There are some other ankle problems that can mimic a sprain. It's important to consider whether you might be affected by one of these problems so that you can receive the proper care if needed.

  • Things You Didn't Realize You Should Tell Your Gynecologist

    25 April 2022

    Many women schedule their annual OBGYN visit for their routine check and then don't think about it until they're due again next year. Unfortunately, dismissing your gynecological care this way can lead to tolerating symptoms that you shouldn't have to deal with, overlooking early indications of potential problems, and so much more. Here are some of the many things that you should discuss with your gynecologist, even if you don't think they're significant.

  • Ask These Questions At Your Next Doctor's Office Visit

    24 March 2022

    What should you ask your primary care physician (or PCP) on your next doctor's office visit? Your annual physical is coming up. But you're not sure which health-related questions should move to the top of your must-ask list. If you're not sure how to start a discussion during your next doctor's office visit, take a look at the top questions to start with.  How Do Lifestyle Factors Impact Overall Health?

  • Reiki Practitioners May Supplement Traditional Anxiety Treatments

    23 February 2022

    Overcoming anxiety can be a lifelong situation that may be rewarding if appropriately handled. As a result, some people may find themselves reaching out to alternative therapy options for help, using these methods to supplement their usual care. For example, Reiki practitioners may provide many benefits that help those with anxiety recover in a meaningful and powerful way, particularly for those who embrace its unique healing method. Reiki Practitioners May Help With Anxiety

  • What Are The Pros And Cons Of Using Pellets For Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

    26 January 2022

    Many people tend to produce less testosterone as they age, and this can lead to symptoms like fatigue, depression, and weight gain. Testosterone replacement therapy is a popular method to restore natural levels of testosterone that people have when they're younger, and there are several methods of administering testosterone available. While testosterone patches, gels, and creams are the most common, they're not always the most convenient — they need to be applied every day, and your symptoms may return if you accidentally miss a day.

  • Important Factors To Consider When Choosing Local Laboratory Services

    20 December 2021

    As a patient, you may have the option of choosing the lab where you want your blood work and tissue samples sent. However, if you have never used any of the labs in your area, you may wonder which one can offer the services that you need. Before you select one, you may want to gauge what each lab makes available and what benefits it can offer. You can use a number of different criteria to identify which laboratory services in your area might be the best ones for your healthcare needs.

  • Lesser-Known OB Services That Every Woman Should Be Acquainted With

    18 November 2021

    As long as you are an adult woman, you are probably familiar with visits to your OB doctor. Most women will typically visit this doctor when they need prenatal care, pap smears, mammograms, pelvic exams, and so on. Hence, if you are not having any issues with your reproductive system, you could be under the impression that you do not need to see this professional. But you would be mistaken.

  • Screening Procedures To Schedule At Your Women's Health Center

    18 October 2021

    A well woman exam typically includes generalized checkup procedures such as checking your blood pressure and temperature, as well as more specific procedures such as a pap smear and breast exam. But if you have specific risk factors such as strong family history of a specific gynecological problem, your doctor may recommend targeted screening procedures as well. Here are a few examples of screening procedures you could schedule at your center for woman health services if recommended by your doctor.