Senior Care - How to Provide Elderly Independence

  • The Benefits Of Acupressure

    27 October 2015

    The ancient art of acupuncture has found a high degree of acceptance in Western culture over the last few decades. If you like the concept but do not care for needles, you can try pressure acupuncture or acupressure as an alternative. An experienced acupressure massage therapist can help relieve your stress, muscle pain, and medical conditions by applying the correct pressure on your acupoints during a relaxing massage session.  Acupressure

  • Gynecologists Treat Men Too

    13 October 2015

    Although gynecology generally is a specialty in medicine that targets treating female patients, gynecologists, such as those at Desert Rose OBGYN PC, can also treat men. This area of medicine, which initially focused on female reproductive health, has widened its scope to treat multiple other health issues and includes the care of men with certain medical problems. Chronic Pelvic Pain Pelvic pain isn't always understood in men and is frequently misdiagnosed. But like in women, it is sometimes difficult for doctors to determine the cause of the pain.

  • 5 Things To Expect When You Start Acupuncture Therapy

    24 September 2015

    If you are about to try acupuncture for the first time there are some things that you should be aware of before your visit. Being prepared before you go for your therapy will make the visit go more smoothly. Here are some things that you should be aware of when you decide to try acupuncture for the first time. Expect To Answer Personal Questions In order to determine how best to treat you, your acupuncturist may ask you questions about your bowel movements and about your menstrual cycle if you are a woman.

  • 3 Tips For Managing Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

    10 September 2015

    If you are dealing with mild to moderate cubital tunnel syndrome, managing your condition with diligent self-care can help prevent worsening of symptoms. In extreme cases, you may need to consider surgical intervention to minimize long-term nerve damage. Work On Changing Behaviors When you have cubital tunnel syndrome, the nerve entrapment frequently occurs at your elbow, and you want to be conscientious about increasing pressure on your elbow. You may unconsciously rest your elbow on the table or otherwise lean on your elbow.

  • Healing An Ingrown Toenail On Your Own

    26 August 2015

    While ingrown toenails are a fairly common condition, they can quickly become very painful and can even cause walking difficulties. The good news is that there are several things that can be done to treat an ingrown toenail in the comfort of your own home. Soak in Warm Water One very effective method to aid in healing an ingrown toenail is to soak your foot in warm water. This can be done several times throughout the day to relieve swelling and tenderness in the toe.

  • Tips For Dealing With Lower Back Pain

    11 August 2015

    Lower back pain is fairly common because it can result from twisting your back while lifting or from doing strenuous activity that strains your back. Pain from a muscle strain can take weeks to go away, and that can make you wonder if the pain is from something else such as a compressed nerve or a bad disc. Lower back pain has many causes and different treatments. Here are some tips for dealing with this condition.

  • Three Surprising Threats To Your Cardiovascular Health

    31 July 2015

    When people discuss ways of managing cardiovascular health, you would think it's all about eating right and exercising. It's true that these are some of the best paths to a healthy heart, but they are not enough. There are other threats to your heart that you should be aware of and avoid. Some of the surprising ones are discussed below: Noise Apparently, loud noises aren't just bad for your ears – they can affect your heart too.