Senior Care - How to Provide Elderly Independence

  • Two Tips to Help Your Children Avoid Lice

    15 December 2016

    When you are sending your children to school, you may be concerned about their getting lice. This is a legitimate concern, since millions of people contract head lice each year. While it may seem that there's little you can do to keep head lice away, you do have options. Use this information to learn more about what you can do to help your children avoid contracting head lice while they are at school.

  • 2 Tips To Prevent Head Lice

    29 November 2016

    One of the worst things that you can run into as a parent is to discover that your child has head lice, mostly because head lice can easily spread throughout your home and be quite difficult to get rid of. In addition, head lice can actually be potentially dangerous if your child has an allergy to them. Listed below are two things that you can do to prevent head lice from affecting your child or home.

  • Talk to Your Teenagers About These Risk Factors for Stained Teeth

    9 November 2016

    By the time your children are teenagers, you'll have hopefully instilled the value of brushing, flossing, and caring for their teeth. However, your teens might not necessarily be thinking about stains on their teeth. Stained teeth might not seem like a major deal to you, but for image-conscious teenagers, teeth that are anything but pearly white may cause them to feel embarrassed. While you can always schedule a whitening appointment for your teenager at your family dentist, it's also worthwhile to talk to your teens about some products that can promote staining.

  • Suffering From Rhinitis For The First Time? Tips For You

    6 October 2016

    If you are an adult who made it through childhood as well as many of your adult years without suffering from perennial rhinitis (also referred to as chronic or seasonal hay fever), you are one of the lucky ones. However, if you develop allergies and, subsequently, rhinitis in adulthood, you may be unsure of what you can do to help with your symptoms and get to feeling better as soon as possible.

  • Tips for Helping a Relative Through Short-Term Rehab

    6 October 2016

    If you have a loved one who has hurt him or herself in such a way that they needs to stay in an inpatient, short-term rehab center, you might worry about their health. You know that they are trying to get better, and you might want to help but not know how. Here are some tips for helping your loved one while they are in short-term rehab. 1. Use Your Attitude to Improve the Attitude of Your Loved One

  • SOS for PMS: Non-Medical Solutions for Period Cramps

    28 September 2016

    If you're like most women, your period is a time of aches, pains, and soreness all over your body. But usually the number-one cause of period pain complaints are cramps, which center in the lower abdomen and can last for days without a letup, even if you're taking the maximum dose of over-the-counter pain medication like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. So what are you to do if you can't take more meds, but you're still hurting?

  • The Three Steps That Will Help You Figure Out Your Child's Asthma Attack Warning Signs

    23 September 2016

    It can be hard to watch your child's body be taken over by an asthma attack at random times. Your child's asthma attacks do not have to remain random. By figuring out and identifying your child's warning signs that they are going to have an asthma attack, you can start to create an asthma prevention plan for your child that will help your child regain control over their life. Here are the three steps that you need to follow to figure out your child's warning signs.