18 November 2021
As long as you are an adult woman, you are probably familiar with visits to your OB doctor. Most women will typically visit this doctor when they need prenatal care, pap smears, mammograms, pelvic exams, and so on. Hence, if you are not having any issues with your reproductive system, you could be under the impression that you do not need to see this professional. But you would be mistaken.
18 October 2021
A well woman exam typically includes generalized checkup procedures such as checking your blood pressure and temperature, as well as more specific procedures such as a pap smear and breast exam. But if you have specific risk factors such as strong family history of a specific gynecological problem, your doctor may recommend targeted screening procedures as well. Here are a few examples of screening procedures you could schedule at your center for woman health services if recommended by your doctor.
21 September 2021
If you have one or more raised scars on your body, then you may find that these scars reduce your self-confidence in your appearance. However, while over-the-counter scar treatment products work for some people, others have bad experiences with these OTC products and find that they do not help their scars at all. Next time you visit your dermatologist or primary physician, you should ask them about the various prescription scar topical gel products available today that have been proven to help flatten both newer and old raised scars, such as hypertrophic or keloid scars.
23 August 2021
It is an unfortunate reality that colon cancer and other problems can have severe impacts on a person's overall health. To catch these problems, individuals will have to undergo a special colon inspection procedure. A Colon Inspection Procedure Is Especially Important For Older Individuals While it can be possible for individuals of almost any age to be recommended for a colon inspection procedure, this is particularly important for older individuals. These individuals may be at a much higher risk of developing colon cancer, but these inspections can allow for these problems to be diagnosed sooner so that the condition can be easier to treat.
22 July 2021
You likely know that you should visit a primary care physician on a regular basis to obtain preventative care services. However, you may not understand how the different types of primary care practitioners differ. While there are six main types of primary care practitioners (PCPs), internists and family medicine practitioners are among the most common primary care doctors today. Read on to learn how these two primary care doctor types differ to help you decide which PCP type may be best for you and your specific healthcare needs.
22 June 2021
If your elderly parent has a chronic illness, your first idea is to take them to the hospital for treatment. However, some age-related illnesses take a long time to heal, and they would be hospitalized for weeks and sometimes months. Extended hospital stay is terrifying for most seniors as some of them associate hospitalization with death. Living in a hospital setting also limits their social interaction and removes all sense of a normal life.
17 May 2021
While there are specialized areas of dentistry that require different medical degrees, when it comes to a general dentist, they are virtually all trained to be able to treat anyone from birth all the way up to the most elderly people in America. With that in mind, it can be surprising to learn that a bunch of dentists practice what is known as pediatric dentistry, where they only (or at least mainly) prefer to treat children.