Senior Care - How to Provide Elderly Independence

  • Will Your Parent Benefit From A Behind-The-Ear Hearing Aid?

    30 January 2015

    If you have recently noticed that your mom or dad has recently begun having trouble hearing conversations that would have not been a problem a few years ago, it is important to talk to them about your concern. Unfortunately, many senior citizens experience damage to the small hair cells in their ears as a result of aging, illness or injury. Although the problem is common, there are ways to mitigate the damage and in many instances, a basic hearing aid is sufficient to return their normal hearing ability.

  • Mammography And You: New Technologies You Should Know About

    28 January 2015

    When the time comes for your annual mammogram, you may find yourself filled with dread and anxiety. After all, mammograms are said to be uncomfortable and/or unpleasant. However, this does not have to be the case. In fact, newer technologies in the field of mammography can help to ease your worries and your potential discomfort about your next mammogram appointment. To ensure you are abreast of all of the new advances in this women's health field, get to know some of these new technologies and make sure that you can partake in them at your next appointment.

  • Can Chiropractic Help Infants With Torticollis?

    26 January 2015

    A baby who always seems to tilt his or her head to one side may have a condition called torticollis. Torticollis may be present at birth or can develop in the first months of life. Medical treatment suggested by many pediatricians is often less effective and sometimes riskier than gentle, conservative chiropractic methods. Causes Torticollis may develop before birth when the baby's position in the uterus causes it to be constrained or the blood flow to the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the neck is reduced.

  • Reduce Your Symptoms During This Allergy Season

    23 January 2015

    If your typical way of getting ready for allergy season is to buy a case of tissues and a large box of antihistamines, consider there are a few other options to reduce your allergy symptoms. Put your effort into preventing the symptoms to begin with, rather than fighting sneezing and a runny nose after the fact. From simple to complicated, here are some ways to keep the symptoms from happening, or from being as severe when they do start.

  • 2 Ways To Be Prepared For Pregnancy And Delivery

    19 January 2015

    Pregnancy is really exciting, but it can also be stressful, especially if you are pregnant with your first child. If you have just found out that you are pregnant, then here are two things that can help prepare you for your pregnancy and delivery. Understand the Symptoms First, understand some of the symptoms that occur during pregnancy. For example, did you know that you can get round ligament pain, your hips can hurt, and your legs can hurt while you sit or sleep because everything is loosening?

  • Learning To Walk Again After Achilles Tendon Reattachment: How Your Orthopedic Doctor Can Help

    16 January 2015

    The Achilles tendons are the stretchy bands of tissue which connect your calf muscles to the backs and bottoms of your heels. When these tendons are injured, you will need immediate surgery and lots of followup visits with an orthopedic doctor. The doctor will help you walk again, and your treatment plan will involve one or more of the following. Leg Braces or Inflatable Air Casts In some people, the simplest movement, such as landing on your feet after a jump shot in basketball, can cause these tendons to snap.

  • Signs You Should Visit The Chiropractor

    14 January 2015

    If you do not have a lot of experience with chiropractic treatment, you might not recognize the signs that it's time you made a visit to one. To help put you on the right track, you should take a moment to reflect on the following indications that you need help from a skilled chiropractor. This way, should you find yourself with such troubles, you will know who to call right away so that you can feel better soon.