Senior Care - How to Provide Elderly Independence

  • Teens And Hair Loss: Could Your Teen Be Battling With Trichotillomania?

    13 January 2015

    Is your teen complaining of hair loss? Have you noticed bald spots on the scalp, sparse eyebrows, or missing eyelashes on your teen? If so, your child may have a disorder called Trichotillomania. Trichotillomania Trichotillomania is an impulsive disorder that can occur in people of any age. However, it commonly begins in the teen years. Sufferers of the condition have a compelling need to pull out their body hair. It's often their way of coping with stress.

  • Natural Home Remedies For Headaches

    7 January 2015

    Unfortunately, headaches are a common trial in the average American's life. With these natural remedies, a headache sufferer can alleviate some of the intense pain. Continue reading to discover which of the following remedies you may even have in your home already.  Lavender Oil Lavender is a useful home remedy for headache pain and luckily enough, it smells great too! It can either be inhaled or applied topically. The recommended ratio for inhaling lavender is two to four drops for ever two to three cups of boiling water.

  • Handling Your Child's Speech Impediment: What You Should Know

    5 January 2015

    When you become a parent, your first instinct and concern is to protect them from any illness or ailment that will affect or harm them as they grow and make their way through the world. In spite of all of your efforts, some conditions cannot be prevented no matter how hard you try. As your child begins to develop their speech and communication skills, they will fumble through difficult sounds and words.

  • 3 Surprising Benefits Of Dental Implants

    2 January 2015

    A missing tooth can be easily addressed today with a dental implant; this is a false tooth that is screwed into the gum line to become a permanent replacement. A good cosmetic dentist can shape, mold, and even color this tooth so that it looks very real and blends in easily with the teeth around it. A person with a dental implant may forget that they have it and typically no one can notice that it's an implant, even when close up.

  • 3 Signs Your Child Is Ready To Make The Switch To Contact Lenses

    30 December 2014

    If your child is currently wearing eyeglasses, there's a good chance that he or she will eventually ask to ditch them in favor of contacts (if he or she hasn't asked already). After all, many children reach an age where they're embarrassed by their glasses and will go out of their way to not wear them in public. At the same time, many parents are skeptical about letting their children make the switch to contacts because they're not sure their children are ready for the responsibility.

  • A Career In Pediatric Home Health Care

    26 November 2014

    When it comes to thinking about home health care, you probably only think of those options being available for older individuals who are ill and unable to take proper care of themselves. However, if a family has a child that has an illness or a condition that makes it impossible for the family to care for the child full-time, they turn to pediatric home health care. If you are an LPN and are considering a career in home health care, you may want to consider the pediatric field.